Corporate Governance

The parent company of Componenta Group is Componenta Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Componenta” or the “Company”), a Finnish public company whose share is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. Componenta Group is composed of the parent company and its subsidiaries. Componenta’s head office is located in Vantaa.

The governance and management of Componenta are based on Finnish legislation, the company’s Articles of Association, the rules of the Helsinki stock exchange and the regulations and instructions issued by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority. Governance and management are guided by Componenta’s values, operating principles and policies as well as responsible operating methods. As of 1 January 2020, Componenta complies with Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2020, which is available online at

Governing bodies of Componenta

The highest governing body at Componenta is the General Meeting in which the shareholders exercise their decision-making powers. The General Meeting elects the company’s Board of Directors and auditor.

The company is managed by the Board of Directors and the President and CEO, appointed by the Board.

At Group level, the President and CEO is responsible for operations. The Group’s Corporate Executive Team assists and supports the President and CEO in carrying out his duties.

Componenta Group’s reporting segment is contract workshop business from 1 January 2017 onwards. Componenta’s public disclosures are limited to information pertaining to the Group and its reporting segments.